
Welcome to the cubao team 🙌

cubao 粗(cū)暴(bào).

rough(ly) simple, dead simple, simple naive.

🙋‍♀️ Introduction

We provide some building blocks for YOUR building blocks for GIS, Autonomous Driving, Visualization, Gaming, Scientific Computing, etc.

We demonstrate a possibility.

👀 Contribution guidelines

Join us by contacting my personal github/email/wechat/twitter: Z2l0aHViOiBkaXN0cmljdDEwCmVtYWlsOiBkdm9yYWs0dHp4QGdtYWlsLmNvbQp3ZWNoYXQ6IHRhbmd6aGl4aW9uZy1uZwo=.

Or just fire a PR, create an Issue, etc.

Let's see what we can bring about.

👩‍💻 Useful resources

🎁 Packages

Package Description
cmake-example Example pybind11 module built with a CMake-based build system.
concave-hull A very fast 2D concave hull algorithm.
fast-crossing Fast polyline (line segments) intersection (fast version of bentley-ottmann).
geobuf-cpp C++ port of mapbox/geobuf, and with python binding.
polyline-ruler Init from mapbox/cheap-ruler but more than that.
pybind11-rdp C++/pybind11/NumPy implementation of the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm, a fast and correct drop-in replacement for python rdp
ubuntu16.04/open3d open3d build scripts and wheels for ubuntu 16.04 (officially not supported now by isl-org/open3d